I'll start by saying that, without being an ace, my accordion playing is pretty good. (piano key) I can reproduce several songs by Tiersen, Les Têtes Raides, or La Rue Ketanou. Anyway, while trying to improvise with my keyboards, I discovered that you could play a bit of melody with the basses and counter basses. I realized, for example, that the 2 basses of the C chord were C and E. Could you find me the other notes of the basses and contrabasses, or direct me to a site that explains it all... Thank you all... and musically yours.
Hello, I have the diagram, but I don't know how to copy it here. If not, send your e-mail to ... [email protected] ... and I'll try to send it to you. have a good weekend. André
bonjour lacuveedutroll j'ai les tablatures main gauche mais il existe 2 systemes 1systeme belge 2systeme italien je vais essayer de vous les envoyer dans rajouter une partition sinon le plus pratique serait d'avoir votre adresse e-mail pour les envoyer jan
Thank you for everything. thanks to laccordeoniste I've understood. the first bass is the fundamental and the second bass is the third of the chord Salutations
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