hello to all of you here it is 1 year that I learn the chromatic accordion and solfege

my problem (I think?) I started to play by myself only the right keys

so without rhythm now I have a teacher for 3 months (but it does not advance
I can just play the bass when the right notes are
longer white koi) and I do not intend to ruin me to make lessons
without progressing I is the accordion needs time but I do not advance

I have used various methods (maugain, galliano, astier baselli)

I would like to know if there is a method really for the dummies ^^ beginner like me

thank you to you I do not lose hope that one day I play a paso with my grandfather while he is still here

bsx to all friendly
4 Replies
what is the difference between chromatic and compound bass i play on a hohner savoia
but an accordion can be both ? no me these chromatic
Hello sangho . It is not easy to explain you concretely without visual communication. If you have a webcam, the problem will be different because knowing that you are supervised by a teacher, we are only able to ask questions; (and which teacher??) if you are not rich. 3 months, depending on your personal work, do not ruin yourself in methods and other, here there is all what you need. A piece of advice though; don't go faster than the music; assimilate gradually without burning the steps (result of many deseptions). I am currently communicating with a similar member, why not contact me? What I proposed on the forum, I put it in place by investing 30 euros in a webcam in order to help, and this, in pure friendship (goal of this site). Don't say anymore that you are bad, nobody is, everyone does what he can with what he has, and I am sure to prove it to you, so I am waiting for you .....
Hello Sangho,

The accordion cannot be learned in a few months like any other instrument, it takes hours and hours of training, of chronological progression with a teacher or an experienced player at least at the beginning.

To give you an idea, here is a video showing left-handed rhythms, but you must already have a minimum of basic knowledge.

harmojack offers to help you, it's very nice of him, a real sharing brings more than tons of method.

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