good morning,

The aggravation again at
from today? Not only slow, but also...

It seems a ridiculous idea
to ask if you are a "robot", if you exclusively want
"SEE" the new scores of the day! What robot wants to

Hi thinkers!
11 Replies
Hello EgoMe,
I also noticed this morning that the message (I am not a robot) appeared from time to time on my screen.
Slade will probably fix this little problem.
Have a nice day.
Hello, The anti-robot message is displayed when a person downloads more than 10 scores per minute or more than 25 scores in 5 minutes. This message is precisely to fight against automated downloads that slow down the site for everyone.Some accounts were downloading more than 1500 scores per day or hundreds per hour, with automated processes (or superhero movie skills, take your pick) to either view or download, slowing down the site for others and hurting everyone's experience.If you get this message, just check a box and relax a bit, this is for the convenience of others.If everyone would moderate themselves, there would be no need for this kind of thing.
As for the slowness, sorry for the inconvenience, this kind of measure is just to try to solve this problem. I'll look into it further.
hello slade,

...well, but as you say - DOWNLOAD function - is not SEE function!!!

... and by the way, I'm not "everyone" I'm a
premium member, who pays exactly to use the download function...

The view function is technically the same as the download function, except that the pdf is displayed in an iframe.
Everyone is also other premium members who also pay to download. I'm not saying that the abuse is coming from you. That said, if clicking a checkbox "blocks" you from downloading more than 10 scores per minute, then yes, that is the point.
If downloading less than the limits I said are too much trouble for you. Then there is nothing I can do. I don't think that 10/ minutes or 25/ 5 minutes is an infringement of your user rights, however it is a pain for others who would like to download some.
Understand that I didn't get up one morning and say to myself that I was going to put an anti-robot box to annoy everyone. It's the result of having spent days going through the p-a logs to find out how to limit the slowdowns on the site.
And then we're talking about a checkbox seriously. There is still no download limit. Just a slight limit on frequency, to accommodate everyone.
hello slade,

Well, but in fact it
is a new interpretation (one way!) of our "contract"...
Hello everyone, I just connected and it made me the second score that I wanted to see another finding I see that some scores are increasingly short, is this normal good day.
For my part, I have not yet encountered this problem (and yet I open any repository to correct ..)
What do you mean by shorter and shorter partition?
Hi Ernest, This should not happen on the second score. That said if a Captcha has been ignored it will reappear until it is completed, I will look into what happened.

Thank you for the answer. At first sight it doesn't do it anymore.
good evening.
Hello to all,
after several feedbacks received and check of the captcha behavior. I've adopted several slight modifications on the algorithm, which should be more "fair", while continuing to prevent automated downloads.
The frequency I mentioned in this topic is no longer a rule written in stone, and several other factors are now taken into account.
This doesn't mean that you won't encounter captchas anymore, of course, but I'm trying to strive for an approach that is as invisible as possible, while avoiding excess.
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