
Are you looking for a music sheet?
Hello to all,
Does anyone have the score of the piece "Nuit de bohême" by Emile Carrara? Thank you in advance if someone publishes it. Happy holidays to all.Olivier
6 Replies
Good evening friend of the accordion...I place this pretty waltz on the site so that you can print it...I have many partitions of this great Mister of the ball of the whirlwind...Good continuation.
everyone is doing what they can to stop making unpleasant comments I am on it I thought this site was to help others with their knowledge !!!!!! MADAME VOUS ALLUMER BIENEN LES GENS SUR LE PETITS DEFAUTS 2435 partitions c'est vrai mais pas très variées !!!!!!!
I greet you very low MADAME
Sincerely Daniel 77
hello ma'am
I realize that your initial message breaking for many of us above my answer has disappeared
as such you are the nice little lady
and me the ugly duckling .......
Happy New Year to you and try to be a little more tolerant despite
the titanic work that you have I have no doubt
Daniel 77
Hello to all,
given my taste for politeness, rigor and respect of the consensual rules necessary for the good functioning of a site like this one, I don't intervene much in these fields, for fear of being too "incisive".
I will make a small exception:
Yes our friend Musettina11110 makes and has made considerable efforts to acquire the mastery of a computer tool that he was discovering, or almost, and it is normal and justified to point it out and to thank him for it.
Yes, TOO many other applicants continue, in spite of the JUDICIAL remarks addressed IN PRIVATE, to ignore requests which have only ONE PURPOSE: to improve the presentation and the accessibility of P-A.
Yes cindou11 is doing a CONSIDERABLE job in the right direction, and without showing off, she has the same tools as me and all the qualities to assume her recent function of moderator.
Yes, all the time spent correcting "ridiculous" mistakes (writing correctly the title and the name of the composer does not seem insurmountable to me) should be saved.
Yes, if his requests remain unanswered I will simply delete the concerned repositories (my patience with the obvious bullshit of g..... has limits)
Yes you can find on Partitions-Accordéon many accordion scores ;) (well yes, not so surprising after all)
Yes they are often old pieces, probably the old composers had other qualities.
Yes, contrary to other sites, the ridiculous tinkerings taken from exotic files by flat handicapped people are not welcome here, we can't blame the majority of the members for being real musicians.
but, to answer daniel77 (and Isabelle) :
Yes, on simple request I will make a statement, even mediocre, of the pieces you want, as often, you can testify. There is nothing really surprising that the scores of recent "artists" are not bought and shared.
"The show must go on" and it is we who set the tone and tempo for the good of all.
thank you for your attention,
hello jj
thank you for your answer but sorry no one told us about the new function of Mrs. Cindy 11
but why the initial message disappeared ????????
I feel like I'm being judged badly for no reason
good day to you and happy birthday to you
yes, we didn't think it was necessary to make an official "induction" for cindou11 (only her nickname appears in bold like Slade's and mine in the list of online members, and God knows she is there very often)
she probably, intelligently, deleted a remark that might not be well understood, the proof, all the members are not concerned but the behavior of some (some) is enough to provoke murderous impulses ;)
BUT NO, it won't go that far !!!
but it's a pity that the duty of reserve that we impose on ourselves prevents us from naming those who openly mock the good behaviour of this site.
for me the incident is closed ;)
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