
Are you looking for a music sheet?
Hello everyone, I am looking for the scores of this paso dobles which seems to me simple at first listen thank you very much

5 Replies
Surprise !!!!!! my little student. You're looking to be beaten. As usual, you're going too fast. We are only at the beginning of the first Ferrero method. The quarter notes, the whites, not in measures, false notes, fingerings to pass to the higher scale not in the point. Wouldn't you be the hare in "Lafontaine" ???? I'll give you two pasos, (Andalusian Treasure) and (Heart of Madrid); take the one you want and play it for me. Note this little one; she has the new fingering (5 fingers) she is in measure and has sixteenth notes in this piece; I have that you are tempted, keep it later if we find it. That said this little one, so cute will go very far, already at her age; a very big bravo; I keep this video; it is too cute and pleasant to listen. Thank you for having him in the middle of SANGHO; it's a real pleasure. Go courage .......
Hello Adler and Sangho,
It is sure that this little one will go far, especially since she follows courses in the CNIMA since her very young age and that her dad has an orchestra; moreover one finds partitions of Philippe Dugué or under the name of Patrick Aria; can be that the piece which she plays with wonder was written by her dad; Good musicVernonait
Hello again friends
Even better .... Madlyn has her site .... and there you have the score that she plays "Taureau paso" and it's what I thought her daddy wrote to her..... I know the CNIMA because 4 years ago I took a one week course at the CNIMA and really it's great; you learn fast with very good teachers, 8 to 10 hours of classes a day, and very well in a short time especially for beginners (which I was); if you can do it, I recommend this great Center; all levels are accepted..... and even the full time students are very nice with Us big adults. Vernonait
Hi Sanghon our friend Vernonait was faster than me and found Madlyn's website,
I have just downloaded the 2 titles of Madlyn (she puts them on her website) and it's very nice of Madlyn and her dad.
To come back to your request, contrary to your teacher I am happy that you made this request, it is a sign of curiosity and interest and that is important in life, to be curious, to want to.... are engines to progress. Certainly you don't have the level to play these scores yet, but the fact of having them in front of you allows you to get an idea of these titles which seem so simple.
Me pero at my old age, I have dozens of scores that I will certainly never be able to play, but I try to work on them, I give up because they are too hard and then I come back to them later and sometimes the "miracle" happens and I manage to play this piece.
You know Sangho, music is like spelling, you have to learn it, but sometimes you have a lot of trouble with it, that doesn't prevent you from communicating with others,
Conclusion apply yourself well with your instrument, work and work again .... and ...again... take care of your rhythm, your phrasing, your fingering, but also play with your heart, and don't forget that speed is not the first goal to reach. I prefer to hear a sequence of well placed quarter notes than a succession of sixteenth notes in a mess and without interpretation. "Au plaisir des bois" well played and otherwise more pleasant than "Perle De Cristal" played mechanically without soul.
Good luck
That's it; Jphf51, the real passion, the one that we play with our guts, if I dare say. Everything you have listed in terms of advice is one hundred percent correct. Sangho is young, a boiling blood, he is electric. He has a musical ear, the leg to play, but can't go all the way; all this is routine of course. He is like me on one thing, to throw himself on all the pieces, here is the error. And that's what he needs to understand. He has plenty of methods, but there too, 2 pages and stop. Sangho I would like you to contact me !!!!!
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CNIMA, Saint Sauves d'Auvergne, FRANCE