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Member since 03/12/2012
Last connection 04/09/2020
tortuejr posted a request
I am looking for this song and also halleluja by jeff buckleya big thank youRoland
Danny ???
a little more detail would not be a luxury
if it is Brilliant, who despite his talent, I believe, did not invent anything, but I am not a great specialist either ;) one must find here some versions:
under "scores" "search" type "story of a love" and the stories are pouring in ;)
be careful, they usually end badly ;)
as for your second request, it would be more judicious to deposit another one, easier to manage for the "nice members" of this great site
good music
yes I know it's just an interpete but I had just heard it and that's the purpose of my research moreover Halleluja it's a cover of coen by jeff Buckley;Thanks for your follow up soonMusicfully Roland
Good evening
I have x version .... I'm going to deposit a version Piano+ help because there are already two versions on the site has : Cohen
It will miss more than: the history of a love except if it corresponds to a cover of the song of Dalida which I have and can deposit... In short I have just checked... it is well the same one! I deposit thus a partition of each title...
Good music

EDITIONI take back my message because in fact 2 people deposited the partition of Dalida this day .... It was well to announce it here... because one seeks initially in its own files before checking on the site... Of the blow I deposit only a version for piano with assistance of: Halléluyah
@ jmimi
the "story of a love" scores were not submitted without notice on the 11th but they were already on the site, with mistakes in the titles (as usual would have sung Cloclo) and the correction brought them to the surface on the 11th ;)
you can find the versions of "halleluijah" by writing "leonard cohen" in the "search" zone of the "scores" section and then clicking on the "search" box
good music

Thanks JJ
for your explanation, because I was surprised that Daniel did not put a message .....
Good music turtlejr !jmimi
Thank you all Roland
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