
Membre premium
From Vaucouleurs, 55140, France
Age -
Member since 30/12/2022
Last connection 25/07/2024
Daniel_Tisserand6 posted a request
Hello fellow accordionists! If anyone among us could find this score (simplified for me!) as played by this lady on her video, the person would be most welcome and a big thank you to her!
Bonjour elle est sur le site mais il faut écrir valse n°2 et pas N point 2
OH ! merci à vous, Yoyodu77 !!! et excellente journée à vous !
thanks again to you, "yoyodu77" so I was able to download one of the scores for "valse n°2" and NOT "valse No.2" all I have to do now is work on it, if I can !!!! and a very good day to you and to all accordionist friends !!! always nice, sharing with each other !!!!
Hello with this Midi file it can help like PLAY BACK https://fromsmash.com/Valse-n2-avec-un-nom-a-coucher-dehors
"Yoyodu77" again a big thank you for your sharing !!! and also for the interest that you bring to all of us, small and big accordionists !!! we all want to LEARN !!! when I master this waltz n°2, only then, I will try this "play-back" ! So, thank you for ALL the other accordionists !!!
this "play-bacck" is a "MIDI" file; so, not easy for some of us to install this extension in Youtube to open this type of "MIDI" file! in my research, "someone" wrote :
hello I have the score but how to send it thank you Jm
good evening "Storezjm"! very nice of you to suggest this score: "Valse n°2"! but I already have it on this same site! if necessary, to share one of your scores with other members of this site, click on the "DEPOSIT" window on this site, and it will be available to all! thank you for your kind collaboration!
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