Hello, I'm a new premium subscriber, and I've understood how the score search works (okay, it wasn't very hard!) but is there a place where I can get the sound with the score so that I can work on it, or do I have to copy it into a program? Thanks for your advice. Bon week end
8 Replies
Hello Micam
If you're a bit of a hack on your computer, and to put it simply, there's a program called PDFtoMUSIC from Myriad, which lets you listen to and create a MIDI file
ATTENTION this only works with a PDF created from a music composition program such as MuseScore, Harmony, Melody assistant etc....
If it's a scanned PDF or an extract from a music book, it won't work, as the software considers the PDF as an image
There is a free version (limited to one page) and a paid version.

I hope I've answered part of your question.
Kind regards
Hi Theo, thanks for the information. I'll have a look. For the moment I'm using GuitarPro but it's forcing me to rewrite everything...
Have a good weekend.
Hi Micam, it is indeed necessary to rewrite everything, take your time, I use Finale, with a little practice, it is not too restrictive, good day :)
Hi sthubert, I was hoping for a faster solution without really believing in it! I was using Finale until I discovered GuitaPro. I find it a little simpler.
Thanks, have a nice day!
Hello, in my experience, with Sibelius (to write or hear the music you've written) you have a light but efficient program called Photoscore which allows you to recover the pdf (if it's not too rotten) in midi and pass it into Sibelius. This is the most economical solution. And ultimately the most reliable.
Thanks Rawal, I don't know Sibelius, I'll take a closer look.
Have a nice day.
Hello, PHOTOSCORE software is very efficient for PDF files ...but you have to warm up the CB, but what a time saver! Otherwise, for free, you have to play what you read on the score on your musical instrument or go and find audio on Youtube Deezer spotify.
I'm not familiar with Photoscore and its possibilities, but I use PLAYSCORE 2, which does a good job of reading PDF or scanned scores.
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