
Are you looking for a music sheet?
Do you have it? Thank you very much 😊
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Bonjour Dixit le catalog de la SACEM cette oeuvre n'est jamais passée chez un éditeur pas de diffusion de vente photocopillage donc ..solution faire un relevé musical .

Code ISWC : T-004.827.049-0

Subtitle(s) :

FRANCK ANGELIS, CompositeurCode IPI : 150549385
Hello to all,
A member of P.A. sent me a valuable piece of information and I would like to let everyone know that my partition request has been resolved so as not to clutter up the forum unnecessarily. I have personally thanked the person involved, but I don't know how to do it and where to click to let everyone know. Maybe this email is the right way to do it, so good, if not could someone let me know how to proceed? In the rules that Cindou11 sends us, we are told to click on the green "resolved" button. But WHICH green button? My question is perhaps elementary, even medieval, please excuse me! Thank you, mamzellechopine
Hello Cindou11,
I am always amazed at the care that is taken with my requests, and thank you for the information you have given me. I might have emailed you about this, but you have opened the door for me; after reading the rules carefully, I have tried several times to request a score in "Score Requests". Each time, on my computer, it says: SELECT DISTINCT artist FROM scores ORDER BY artist WHERE AVAILABLE. I am absolutely unable to move anything, nothing happens. I asked for help from someone who is used to computers and different sites, and he couldn't do anything either. (To my relief, I felt like less of a tart!) All that to say, this is why I couldn't make my request in the right place, and maybe that's why I never saw the "RESOLVED" button.
I know you have a lot on your plate, so I don't want to overdo it in the questions I ask you.
Thanks for everything, mamzellechopine
Hello Cindou11,
Well, that my observation should help you solve something is the last thing I expected. In fact, I was under the impression that I hadn't crossed the threshold of the 21st century myself! As many people say today, "it's super cool"! Well...... Once again, thank you for everything,
indeed it's crazy this bug. And especially that it has never been reassembled.
But it is now solved.
I moved your request to the partition request category and marked it as resolved.
Hi Slade, Thanks for solving the problem and the riddle, as I wrote to Cindou11, it reassures me that I belong to the 21st century. I was sure I had it all wrong! Thanks again, my pleasure,
hello I am looking for the score "like chopin" played by dominique emorine written by franck angelis, if you have thought of it to me a big thank you a bientot good day sylvie
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Aveyron, Résidence Musicale Haut2Gammes 12140 Saint Hippolyte