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Member since 04/11/2023
Last connection 19/03/2024
DrRobert posted a discussion
I have a new Musictech Q series midi that was supplied with my Beltuna accordion two years ago, but Ive never tried using it... until today.. I have no idea how to plug it in and get it work and the manual doesnt tell me! Anyone else out there using this sort of rig that can tell me how to get it to work? !
1 Reply
Hello, contact Accord Chouette, you will find his phone number on the net ! he sells some, he will explain you ! he is very nice !
DrRobert posted a discussion
Hi everyone - I am searching for a similar tune to "The Runaway Train". I play for a Morris Dancing side here in the UK and I have half a new dance put together with the "train" - but it gets boring just playing the same tun over and over... needs something with a similar rhythm ..... any ideas? Rob H
Thank you everyone for the really helpful tips! My Morris Dancing side is grateful for the new tunes to fit with the runaway train!
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